Dear Friends,
Semonkong experienced it’s coldest winter, with the heaviest snowfall in many, many years during the months of June, July and August, 2012. The sight of these winter landscapes were quite something to behold, but also caused major damage to various properties in the country.

Early September, just as the snow (had almost) melted, the peach trees started blossoming, a mission team consisting of 28 volunteers, under the able and experienced leadership of Past. Wolfgang Beyer paid a visit to our beloved Semonkong.

The veterinary team consisted of three veterinarians and -students from the Onderstepoort campus (University of Pretoria). They offered a veterinary service to the community of Semonkong, with the focus on primary healthcare and -education.
Dogs and cats were vaccinated, treated for worms, ticks and fleas.

Horses were vaccinated against both rabies and tetanus. Many horses had saddle sores, which were treated and hundreds of teeth were filed in order to facilitate grazing. A tack (horse-riding equipment) exchange-programme, allowed the local community to exchange worn and/or ill-fitting tacks for new bits, bridles and halters.

A large number of sheep, cattle and pigs were also treated for endo- and exo parasites.

In excess of 6,300 animals received badly needed treatment from the team!
The rest of the team attended to various maintenance tasks and also moved the last of our equipment and furniture over from the Agricultural shed (fondly known as our ‘Hotel’), where we had previously resided, to our newly renovated Beulah Lodge.
Various buildings at the Lodge have been cleared and tidied up, with broken doorlocks replaced and old electrical fittings repaired.

The primary task that the men focused on, was to repair the defunct borehole. The fellows worked tirelessly - from early in the morning, till late at night every day – to construct a device with which to attempt to remove the obstruction/s in the downpipe. Progress was made, but the obstruction was extremely challenging and we had to eventually depart empty-handed. We will again attempt to solve the problem with our visit in December, when we will necessarily make some modifications to the current design.

The dedicated Kitchen-Team with their delicious meals, kept all the tummies full and the energy levels on a consistent high!

Jurjen Kerkman presented the first ‘
Farming God’s Way’ training in Semonkong, while the Chief provided a parcel of his own land to serve as the training area. Semonkong is situated very high above sea level (2,300m) and consequently experiences very harsh weather conditions, which makes it challenging to farm in. However, we are convinced that the technique and methods taught in training will greatly enhance agricultural production in the region.

We once again experienced a fruitful meeting with the Chiefs of the community, during the excursion, where we were able to brief them in detail about our overall progress with the Project. The construction of the new hospital did not commence in September, as we initially planned, because negotiations regarding the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Lesotho, is still under discussion. We are optimistic about the outcome and encouraged to see matters develop with a growing momentum, by the day.
Planning for the December mission is in full swing, as we will be taking a Team of approximately 60 people to Semonkong, which will consist of a children’s ministry-, medical-, prayer-, discipleship- and maintenance teams. Please commit this venture in prayer. For further information, please visit our website at:
We would like to extend a profound THANK YOU to all who made this mission possible - to bless, praise and to preach the (life-giving) Word of God!
Blessings and warm regards,
The Semonkong Hospital Project Team